Your registration includes membership with the West Bend Judo club, founded by your instructor and the highest-ranking Wisconsin black belt to coach the first US Women’s Olympic Silver Medalist, Jon Sanfilippo. As you learn and advance your skills, the Judo club is there to support you. Club membership includes instruction by several qualified black belts, belt promotions are earned (no testing or belt fees), tournaments, and more! Find out why students say Judo is life-changing! Class will meet at UWM at Washington Co. gym. Register online at the West Bend Rec Center:
3.1 WEB - Activity Search (
Beginner/Intermediate students will meet from 6:00-7:00pm
Advanced students will meet from 7:00-8:30pm
Sign up for 13 weeks for only $69!
*Silver Dollar Discount
not applicable on this Judo course.*