Continuing Education

Be an Astronomer!

Course Detail

Be an Astronomer!  image

Since the beginning of time, humans have dreamed about what lays beyond the stars. This week, students will learn about all the planets in our solar system through hands-on experiments! Learn about the sun’s UV light through art, explore how heat impacts Mercury and Venus’s surface, create a Mars rover with SCRATCH coding, predict if there is an ocean on Jupiter’s moon’s icy surface, and more! As we journey through the solar system, students will gain insights about each planet, who discovered them and how, and what unique properties they are made of. At the end of the week, students will work together to develop a marketing campaign advertising their planet as a space destination! A surprise guest speaker will be bringing an out-of-this-world activity and will be sharing personal astrophotography photos taken from his own observatory.

Subject areas covered: Science, Technology, Art, Math, History, Writing

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Session Start/End Dates Days Time Where Cost
Ages 11-14 Jul 8th - Jul 11th Mon, Tu, Wed, Thu 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM $299.00 Details
Ages 8-10 Jul 8th - Jul 11th Mon, Tu, Wed, Thu 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $299.00 Details