Online Business Communication
These online classes include offerings in video game design, business writing certificate, customer service certificate, certificate in presentation media, workplace communication certificate, conflict management, and grammar refresher certificate. Courses within the certificate programs may also be taken separately.
Upcoming Programs
Advanced Live Online/Zoom Instructor Training
Take your Live Online teaching to the next level for greater student satisfaction, learning, completion and... -
Basic Game Design Certificate
Games are increasingly recognized as a tool that can serve many business purposes beyond entertainment. This... -
Business Writing
Take away the key practices you need to develop and hone your business writing communication effectively and... -
Business Writing Certificate
Discover the keys to successful writing for the workplace. Whether you are writing a report, memo, letter or... -
Collaborative Management
Whether you manage or lead people, collaborative skills are essential to help harness the energy of groups and... -
Conflict Management
A recent study conducted by the American Management Association (AMA) revealed that the average manager spends... -
Customer Service Certificate
Customer service is now essential for business and all work organizations. With the increase of technology,... -
Diversity Equity and Inclusion In the Workplace Certificate
5% of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension and the culture sector now accounts for 6.1% of... -
Effective Copywriting
Whether you are sending out a press release, communicating internally with a memo or promoting your own skills... -
Extraordinary Customer Service
Transform your customer service into something extraordinary. As a result more repeat business will improve... -
Inclusive Communication
Respectable communication in the workplace encourages a cohesive collaborative environment, prevents... -
Intermediate Video Game Design
Worldwide, video game sales including consoles, online, and mobile games are projected to reach $111 billion... -
Introduction to Game Design
Games are increasingly recognized as a tool that can serve many business purposes beyond entertainment. This... -
Keys to Customer Service
Customer service is now essential for business and all work organizations. With the increase of technology,... -
Negotiation: Get What You Want
Negotiation is a key skill for success in business and everyday life. Knowing strategies to clarify what you... -
Photoshop Essentials
This fundamental course covers Adobe Photoshop CC most commonly used tools, menus and panels. You’ll learn... -
Using Personality Profiles for Better Work Performance
Understanding yourself and others will increase your overall effectiveness at work, home, and in all of your... -
Word-Level Grammar
Get reacquainted with the parts of speech. Don't worry! There's no painful memorizing involved. With these... -
Workplace Communication Certificate
Good communication in the workplace is more important than ever. And critical to your career advancement and... -
Writing News and Press Releases
Being able to write a good news story, press release or publicity notice is a skill that can set you apart in...