Online New Media Marketing
These online classes include offerings in digital marketing, certificate in google analytics, mastering video marketing certificate, and podcasting. Courses within the certificate programs may also be taken separately.
Upcoming Programs
Advanced Google Analytics
A project and activity based course, you will get the opportunity to practice with Google Analytics for more... -
Advanced Marketing Concepts
Acquire expertise in R,F & M Analysis. Understand the 80/20 Principle. Better know the impact of price... -
Boosting Your Website Traffic
Acquire the basic skills to boost your web site traffic, including how to analyze your visitor traffic, how to... -
Certificate in Marketing
Discover advanced and new best practices in Integrated Marketing, the growing field that integrates... -
Certificate in Marketing
Discover advanced and new best practices in marketing, the changing field that now integrates traditional... -
Digital Marketing Certificate
Come get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions,... -
Google Analytics
If you are not reviewing your website statistics, then you are missing several key opportunities to profit... -
Google Analytics
If you are not reviewing your website statistics, then you are missing several key opportunities to profit... -
Google Analytics Certificate
If you are not reviewing your website statistics, then you are missing several key opportunities to profit... -
Improving Email Promotions
Discover new ways to improve your email promotions, including when to email, what to email, and testing email... -
Integrated Marketing Best Practices
Enter the fascinating and emerging field of integrated marketing. Explore how to move potential customers from... -
Introduction to Social Media
Get involved in the move from in-person to online communication. Learn what social media are and their role in... -
Management Certificate
Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing... -
Mastering Video Marketing Certificate
Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more... -
Online Advertising
Get the keys to making online advertising work for you and your organization. See how pay-per-click... -
Businesses are turning to podcasting to grow their brand and connect with customers. People with a niche hobby... -
Video Marketing
Sight, sound and motion are much more compelling than static words on a page. Video is very hypnotic and it... -
Writing Marketing Copy
Power-up your copy. Acquire practical, how-to tips in writing marketing copy. Move ordinary words to savvy... -
YouTube for Business
Increase your business with YouTube, the online video site and now the second largest search engine. Discover...